Reasons Why a Reckless Driving Charge is Favorable to a DUI
Though the behaviors associated with reckless driving and driving under the influence inevitably overlap, there are clear-cut differences between the two charges regarding how they’re penalized under California law. While reckless driving and driving under the influence both carry serious consequences, there are many reasons why reckless driving charges may

Steps to Retrieving Your Car After a DUI Arrest in California
As if the legal consequences linked with driving under the influence arrest aren’t enough trouble, many California DUI defendants also have to worry about recovering their car after it’s been impounded. Unfortunately, this is a very real possibility for many defendants. It’s crucial, in this case, to understand the steps

Is it Important to Pass a Field Sobriety Test after a CA DUI?
If law enforcement suspects that you’re driving with a BAC above California’s legal limit, they have the right to stop you for questioning, search for evidence, and make a DUI arrest. In many cases, the officer will seek to confirm their suspicions by performing a field sobriety test. This brief

Can I Get a DUI if My Keys Aren’t in the Ignition in California?
Picture this scenario: You and your friends are at a bar having a night on the town. As the evening nears to a close, you realize you’re too drunk to drive home, so you decide to play it safe and sleep in your vehicle until you’re sober enough to drive

Is Taking My Child from My Ex Without Consent Considered Kidnapping?
The word “kidnapping” typically emits scary thoughts and images, many of which have been brought about through movies, television shows, and even terrifying real-life news stories. When we think of a kidnapper, we often consider dangerous criminals who abduct children and hold them captive. However, not all kidnappers are strangers

Steps to Take if You’re Wrongly Accused of a Sex Crime in CA
Accusations of rape and sexual misconduct are taken seriously in California, and the repercussions following a conviction are comparatively severe. Assault has many physical, emotional, and psychological implications that may last a lifetime, and the assailant should face the appropriate statutory consequences as a result of their wrongdoing. However, when

Can I Fail a DUI Sobriety Test If I’m Sober?
If a police officer suspects that you’re driving over California’s legal limit for blood alcohol concentration, they have the right to detain you for questioning, search for evidence, and make a DUI arrest. In many cases, the officer may seek to confirm their suspicions by utilizing roadside evaluations like field

How Can I Get Off Probation Early in California?
Did you know that probation is the most widely used form of correctional supervision in California? Probation is a court-ordered sanction that allows an individual to remain in the community under a probation officer’s supervision. Probation is one of four forms of correctional supervision—the other three being prison, jail, and

Know Your Rights at a DUI Traffic Stop in California
A traffic stop is one of the most frequent encounters between citizens and police. Usually, law enforcement pulls a vehicle over if they have reason to believe that some offense has occurred. While you may have assumptions about this process, you should understand your rights and responsibilities regarding interactions with

Is There a Distinction Between DUI and DWI in California?
California drivers who have been arrested for DUI (or DWI) often ask about the difference between the two terms, which are often confused and mistakenly interchanged. Though the expressions are similar, there are slight legal differences that are important to discern. Both DUI and DWI refer to the illegal act

Understanding Your Constitutional Right to Confront Your Accuser
If you are a criminal defendant who has been accused of a crime, you may face witness testimony as an element of evidence against you. This means that those who witnessed activities or heard information related to your case may take the stand and be asked to offer information that

Can an Anonymous Tip for DUI Get Me Arrested in California?
An “anonymous tip,” as it relates to DUI investigations, is understandably a point of contention among law enforcement, defendants, and lawmakers alike. After all, police officers must navigate the gray area between having sufficient probable cause and relying on what may be uninformed or falsified speculation. If you’ve been arrested

Understanding Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause for a DUI Stop
If a police officer suspects that you’re driving with an elevated BAC in California—above 0.08 percent—they have the right to detain you for questioning, search for evidence, and make a DUI arrest. However, in order to do so lawfully, they must establish both reasonable suspicion and probable cause. These legal

How a Criminal Lawyer May Prevent Charges from Being Filed after an Arrest
If you’ve been arrested for a crime, you probably have a lot of questions on your mind. Should you hire a criminal defense lawyer? Do you have enough evidence to defend yourself? How will you fight for your rights at trial? What you may not have considered, however, is that

Can a DUI Be Expunged from My Record in California?
Driving under the influence is a serious criminal offense that involves not only challenging statutory consequences but also a permanent criminal record. Criminal convictions may limit a person’s ability to find employment, attain child custody, immigrate, and regain their driving privileges, among other challenges that may negatively affect their life.

More DUI Arrests on New Year’s Eve than on Any Other Day in California
New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are known for parties, the midnight countdown, and a bad hangover. But end-of-year celebrations also present a deadly combination of hazards: traditional celebrations with alcohol, late-night driving, and a disproportionate number of vehicles on the road. It’s no wonder that the early hours

Can You Get a Restricted License after a DUI in California?
Millions of Americans are arrested for driving under the influence each year, with most stops beginning the same way: a pair of low beams in your rearview mirror that flash as you’re blinded by red and blue strobe lights. The tap of a flashlight rapping on the window initiates a

Everything You Should Know about Your First DUI in California
Driving under the influence is the most common charge that brings ordinary people into the criminal justice system. In addition to concerns about the loss of driving privileges and potentially hefty fines, individuals who have no experience with incarceration often worry that they’re ill-prepared to serve a jail sentence. Fortunately,

How a Domestic Violence Accusation May Impact Your Life
Allegations of domestic violence are taken seriously in California, and the penalties administered if you’re convicted of behaving abusively toward your spouse or partner might have an effect on your future. Nevertheless, every American citizen has the right to a fair trial and a robust defense. After all, it’s not

How Does a License Suspension Work After a First DUI in California?
Driving under the influence in California may carry a variety of penalties if you are convicted, including a possible suspension of your driving privileges. However, a first time DUI arrest in California doesn’t necessarily mean your license will be suspended. In fact, a license suspension after a DUI arrest is

Five Signs You May Have Hired the Wrong Lawyer for Your Criminal Case
It may feel like there are about a million lawyers in California. That number is actually closer to 266,000, according to the California State Bar. In any case, wading through a sea of attorneys vying for your attention may be difficult to navigate. How do you pick someone that suits your

Thanksgiving is One of the Top Holidays for DUI
Thanksgiving is always an exciting time of year. It has all the elements of the perfect holiday, including spending time with loved ones, eating comfort food, watching football, and being grateful. But alcohol often takes center stage, leading to a disproportionate number of DUI arrests during the Thanksgiving holiday period.

What You Need to Know About Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
A domestic violence allegation in the state of California is a serious matter. The penalties that may be enforced if you’re convicted of behaving violently or abusively toward your spouse or partner may change your life forever. If you face a domestic violence-related charge, you have the right to a

What Is the 10-Day Rule for DUI in California?
If you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence in California, it may take a toll on your mental health, finances, social life, relationships, and job. You may also have to endure court appearances, fines, and a suspension or revocation of your license. That’s why it’s vital to understand California

Reasons Why a Reckless Driving Charge is Favorable to a DUI
Though the behaviors associated with reckless driving and driving under the influence inevitably overlap, there are clear-cut differences between the two charges regarding how they’re penalized under California law. While reckless driving and driving under the influence both carry serious consequences, there are many reasons why reckless driving charges may

Steps to Retrieving Your Car After a DUI Arrest in California
As if the legal consequences linked with driving under the influence arrest aren’t enough trouble, many California DUI defendants also have to worry about recovering their car after it’s been impounded. Unfortunately, this is a very real possibility for many defendants. It’s crucial, in this case, to understand the steps

Is it Important to Pass a Field Sobriety Test after a CA DUI?
If law enforcement suspects that you’re driving with a BAC above California’s legal limit, they have the right to stop you for questioning, search for evidence, and make a DUI arrest. In many cases, the officer will seek to confirm their suspicions by performing a field sobriety test. This brief

Can I Get a DUI if My Keys Aren’t in the Ignition in California?
Picture this scenario: You and your friends are at a bar having a night on the town. As the evening nears to a close, you realize you’re too drunk to drive home, so you decide to play it safe and sleep in your vehicle until you’re sober enough to drive

Is Taking My Child from My Ex Without Consent Considered Kidnapping?
The word “kidnapping” typically emits scary thoughts and images, many of which have been brought about through movies, television shows, and even terrifying real-life news stories. When we think of a kidnapper, we often consider dangerous criminals who abduct children and hold them captive. However, not all kidnappers are strangers

Steps to Take if You’re Wrongly Accused of a Sex Crime in CA
Accusations of rape and sexual misconduct are taken seriously in California, and the repercussions following a conviction are comparatively severe. Assault has many physical, emotional, and psychological implications that may last a lifetime, and the assailant should face the appropriate statutory consequences as a result of their wrongdoing. However, when

Can I Fail a DUI Sobriety Test If I’m Sober?
If a police officer suspects that you’re driving over California’s legal limit for blood alcohol concentration, they have the right to detain you for questioning, search for evidence, and make a DUI arrest. In many cases, the officer may seek to confirm their suspicions by utilizing roadside evaluations like field

How Can I Get Off Probation Early in California?
Did you know that probation is the most widely used form of correctional supervision in California? Probation is a court-ordered sanction that allows an individual to remain in the community under a probation officer’s supervision. Probation is one of four forms of correctional supervision—the other three being prison, jail, and

Know Your Rights at a DUI Traffic Stop in California
A traffic stop is one of the most frequent encounters between citizens and police. Usually, law enforcement pulls a vehicle over if they have reason to believe that some offense has occurred. While you may have assumptions about this process, you should understand your rights and responsibilities regarding interactions with

Is There a Distinction Between DUI and DWI in California?
California drivers who have been arrested for DUI (or DWI) often ask about the difference between the two terms, which are often confused and mistakenly interchanged. Though the expressions are similar, there are slight legal differences that are important to discern. Both DUI and DWI refer to the illegal act

Understanding Your Constitutional Right to Confront Your Accuser
If you are a criminal defendant who has been accused of a crime, you may face witness testimony as an element of evidence against you. This means that those who witnessed activities or heard information related to your case may take the stand and be asked to offer information that

Can an Anonymous Tip for DUI Get Me Arrested in California?
An “anonymous tip,” as it relates to DUI investigations, is understandably a point of contention among law enforcement, defendants, and lawmakers alike. After all, police officers must navigate the gray area between having sufficient probable cause and relying on what may be uninformed or falsified speculation. If you’ve been arrested

Understanding Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause for a DUI Stop
If a police officer suspects that you’re driving with an elevated BAC in California—above 0.08 percent—they have the right to detain you for questioning, search for evidence, and make a DUI arrest. However, in order to do so lawfully, they must establish both reasonable suspicion and probable cause. These legal

How a Criminal Lawyer May Prevent Charges from Being Filed after an Arrest
If you’ve been arrested for a crime, you probably have a lot of questions on your mind. Should you hire a criminal defense lawyer? Do you have enough evidence to defend yourself? How will you fight for your rights at trial? What you may not have considered, however, is that

Can a DUI Be Expunged from My Record in California?
Driving under the influence is a serious criminal offense that involves not only challenging statutory consequences but also a permanent criminal record. Criminal convictions may limit a person’s ability to find employment, attain child custody, immigrate, and regain their driving privileges, among other challenges that may negatively affect their life.

More DUI Arrests on New Year’s Eve than on Any Other Day in California
New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are known for parties, the midnight countdown, and a bad hangover. But end-of-year celebrations also present a deadly combination of hazards: traditional celebrations with alcohol, late-night driving, and a disproportionate number of vehicles on the road. It’s no wonder that the early hours

Can You Get a Restricted License after a DUI in California?
Millions of Americans are arrested for driving under the influence each year, with most stops beginning the same way: a pair of low beams in your rearview mirror that flash as you’re blinded by red and blue strobe lights. The tap of a flashlight rapping on the window initiates a

Everything You Should Know about Your First DUI in California
Driving under the influence is the most common charge that brings ordinary people into the criminal justice system. In addition to concerns about the loss of driving privileges and potentially hefty fines, individuals who have no experience with incarceration often worry that they’re ill-prepared to serve a jail sentence. Fortunately,

How a Domestic Violence Accusation May Impact Your Life
Allegations of domestic violence are taken seriously in California, and the penalties administered if you’re convicted of behaving abusively toward your spouse or partner might have an effect on your future. Nevertheless, every American citizen has the right to a fair trial and a robust defense. After all, it’s not

How Does a License Suspension Work After a First DUI in California?
Driving under the influence in California may carry a variety of penalties if you are convicted, including a possible suspension of your driving privileges. However, a first time DUI arrest in California doesn’t necessarily mean your license will be suspended. In fact, a license suspension after a DUI arrest is

Five Signs You May Have Hired the Wrong Lawyer for Your Criminal Case
It may feel like there are about a million lawyers in California. That number is actually closer to 266,000, according to the California State Bar. In any case, wading through a sea of attorneys vying for your attention may be difficult to navigate. How do you pick someone that suits your

Thanksgiving is One of the Top Holidays for DUI
Thanksgiving is always an exciting time of year. It has all the elements of the perfect holiday, including spending time with loved ones, eating comfort food, watching football, and being grateful. But alcohol often takes center stage, leading to a disproportionate number of DUI arrests during the Thanksgiving holiday period.

What You Need to Know About Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
A domestic violence allegation in the state of California is a serious matter. The penalties that may be enforced if you’re convicted of behaving violently or abusively toward your spouse or partner may change your life forever. If you face a domestic violence-related charge, you have the right to a

What Is the 10-Day Rule for DUI in California?
If you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence in California, it may take a toll on your mental health, finances, social life, relationships, and job. You may also have to endure court appearances, fines, and a suspension or revocation of your license. That’s why it’s vital to understand California